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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Music Monday: Summer 2024 Playlist

(Yes, this article is going up a little late, but I decided I’d rather get it posted during Labor Day week rather than wait another full week since Bandcamp Friday is this week, plus I still wanted to keep the “Music Monday” name.)

I’m not going to lie, the last few playlists articles have been exhausting, between their large scale and heaps of writing. I like doing them, sharing music and talking about it is a lot of fun, but I had kind of been considering scaling them back in some way to make it a little easier on myself; I started working on the last one something like a month ahead of my self-imposed deadline, and still barely got it done in time.

Thankfully, when I started working on this one (a little closer to the deadline), I realized that I also just had less to talk about this time. I was a little lighter on music discovery the last few months, between being busy with other things, the lack of Bandcamp Fridays spurring me to scour for new things, and just several other factors. Things might pick up again for the next edition (September 6th marks the first Bandcamp Friday since May for anyone interested in picking up things I’ve mentioned here before, and I definitely built up my own list to investigate before then; plus at a certain point, I’m sure End of Year lists will release and give me new things to check out), but we’ll see how I’m feeling come four months from now or so.

But I did find things that I liked and wanted to talk about in the meantime, including some of my favorite releases of the year, so completely skipping a playlist was never part of the question. Like I’ve said before, I use these as much as scrapbooks for myself as anything, and missing any of them feels weird (I still idly consider going back and making playlists for the years I skipped sometimes).

So, without further ado, my Summer 2024 Playlist:

Notes: Not every song was on every platform. Plasma Cutter’s album wasn’t on YouTube (Bandcamp), alpha’s music was not on either YouTube or Spotify (Bandcamp), and sponzi’s “reach” is basically nowhere (Soundcloud).

On that note, I’ll reiterate that if you want to support these artists, Bandcamp is the best place to do it! Most of them have Bandcamp pages where you can purchase the music directly and which will give artists much better cuts than any other platform; and, as I mentioned above, this Friday (September 6th) is Bandcamp Friday, so 100% of any purchases on that day will go to the artists!

And much like the last Playlist article, I know album titles are usually italicized, but I used single quotation marks here instead because Blogger has been making fixing formatting very tough, and using single quotes means exponentially less work when I go to post.